Wellness Search

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Truth about Diet Patches, Pills, Powders & Belts

How many times do you search for latest diets for weight loss and find a new fad diet or pill or belt, or patch circling the web world especially those with celebrity names tagged on them? Every month or even every week there is a new development in fooling people globally that a certain pill or patch or diet can help you lose weight quickly. Some even take help of Ayurveda's name to sell themselves to the public. You however as a sane, intelligent audience should know the truth about these gimmicks as we know them.

Sure that there is some evidence of science behind them and that is the manipulating the biochemistry of the human body and metabolism. You need to understand how any diet option like these fads curb your hunger, make your metabolism faster without you doing much about it. The whole weight issue begins and ends in the human brain and this is what the pills or patches manipulate in order to lose weight. The brain controls the senses like aroma which stimulate memory of delicious food, which causes instantaneous salivary glands to act and stimulate the hypothalamus in the brain to send impulse to the gastric receptors of hunger to give out hunger like reaction if aroma and memory of food is more tempting, the hunger pang is stronger forcing you to grab anything that appears edible in front of you especially if the stomach is not full already or the body hasn't had any fuel for more than 4 hours. Ghrelin a major hormone secreted from gastric cells increases hunger and sends the impulse back to the brain. Once you begin to eat the gastric receptors give another impulse to the brain that stops the hunger and the feeling of satiety kicks in. If you gulp your food faster than your stomach receptor can recognize the pressure on the gastric lining then there comes a delay in relaying the stimulus to the brain hence satiety comes in after you have over eaten. There is another hormone called leptin secreted by white adipose tissue which is an indication of the amount of body fat its secretion is a mechanism by the body to tell the brain and gastric cells not to stimulate hunger as there is enough storage in the body. However the suppression of hunger by leptin is non-reactive in obese people.

When there are pills or patches that suppress hunger it is manipulating either leptin or ghrelin or other hormonal chain reaction that suppresses hunger. Although you must also know that people who fast or undergo fad diets get ghrelin surge and leads them to overeat faster. Diet Patch do have certain vitamins that are absorbed but their manipulation is also concentrated towards hunger and satiety. Strawberry patch, apple patch, are all the jing bang diets you can get but make sure you don't get yourself trapped into this turmoil and opt for a sound long term plan. If you supress your hunger biochemically your body goes into starvation which as its own adverse effects. For online fat loss programs and diet contact us at Wellness & I.

Wish you wellness.

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