Wellness Search

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


What is your spice of life? Is it your family, your friends, your work or your health that allows you to enjoy all the above ? Whatever it may be the truest spice of your life are spices themselves because without them I only wonder how our evolution could have survived all the natural adversities of diseases and physical harm over these centuries. Whether or not you believe and follow ancient medicine of any kind like Ayurveda these are medicinal facts about the spices you so often see in your food either exotically or regularly. If you are one of those who fancy Indian or South American food this should be music to your eyes while reading what you have been eating so far.

1. Turmeric - Turmeric is the most popular of spices used in Indian food without realizing what its medicinal value has been offering to the food. The most known fact about turmeric is its antiseptic value but there are at least a handful more that are discovered and many more that aren't. Turmeric contains Curcumin one of the 3 curcuminoid phytochemicals that plays a pivotal role in our wellness. Turmeric or more specifically curcumin is acts as an  anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, antioxidant, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal. The good old grandma's therapy of drinking warm milk with a tea spoon of turmeric powder is a stat cure for common cold, cough and fever. Curcumin is known to have induce bile and helps in gall bladder problems except for gall stones or any bile duct obstructive problem. Bile helps in breakdown of fats thus also helping fat metabolism. Research has shown turmeric along with Vitamin D3 to help clear amyloid beta that causes Alzheimer plaques in brain. Curcumin has benefits to autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis and  other joint disorders, it is shown its effectiveness with antioxidant qualities to prevent lesions on the arterial walls caused by oxidative stress due to cholesterol and triglycerides. Turmeric also helps prevent cancer proliferation by the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant qualities. Turmeric is well absorbed the body in the presence of black pepper which is explained ahead. 

2. Chili Peppers - Mexican, Oriental, Indian, and other Latin American food uses a lot of these red hot ladies. Red hot chili, Cayenne, Green Chillies, all those who have the heat are very good for your wellness especially of the nerves, joints and pancreas. Chillies come from the same genus of Capsicum (Pepper) and posses a phytochemical 'Capsaicin' which is responsible for producing the heat in the chillies. This ability to produce heat is what makes the chillies medicinal to the nerves and endocrine system. Capsaicin induces the heat on ingestion which lets the body react as if it were combating pain due to this heat is felt and the body releases endorphins (pleasure or euphoria hormone). Endorphins are known to make us feel happy or energetic and thus help relieve pain of any kind in the body. Capsaicin is also known to react with the mitochondria of prostate and pancreatic cancer cells so as to obstruct its proliferation. It was seen in a study that the capsaicin reduced the cancerous tumor cells of the prostate gland. Capsaicin is also used in many pain relievers as they interact with the nerve endings that produces heat sensation making the nerves insensitive to pain. Capsaicin also interferes with substance P in autoimmune diseases like arthritis that relieves the pain sensation. Capsaicin overdose does cause gastric ulcers & gastric cancers but it in minimum amounts it protects the gastric cells as well. Besides this chillies are rich in Vitamin C & A that act as antioxidants in the body. 

3. Black Peppers - Black pepper is a dry condiment most commonly used in South Indian food especially in curries. Black pepper is a mix of many important phytochemicals like piperine, quercetine, myrcene, eugenol, kampferol & rutin. But the most important one amongst these is piperine because of its ability to enhance bio availability of other nutrients. Piperine helps other phytochemicals and nutrients to be absorbed by the body one such example is curcumin. Curcumin is absorbed in the presence of a lot of piperine and enhances it availability. It also enhances other nutrients such as antioxidants to reduce oxidative stress in the body. The combined effect of all the phytochemicals in black pepper helps fight cancer cells, inflammation, other autoimmune diseases too. 

4. Cumin - Cumin has the essential oil which has components called cuminaldehyde and thymol that aid in digestion, carminitive, lactation, blood circulation, and other infections. Cuminaldehyde is known to relieve gastric bloating, purify blood, and respiratory problems. Its essential oil specially thymol also helps in relaxing the nerves which also helps combat insomnia and other stress. It is rich in iron and this benefits in lactation as well as pregnancy and anemic disorders. 

5. Cardamom - Cardamom like cumin has digestion aiding properties. Cardamom is also known to relieve blood impurities and help in respiratory problems. It has detoxifying properties and also helps blood circulation to the lungs. 

These are some of the main medicinal spice and condiments that are most commonly used and can be of essential value if taken in appropriate amounts. Now you can gorge on the Latino diet or Indian food that keeps tempting you just don't overdo the spices they only help in moderation like everything else in life. 

Wish you wellness. 

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