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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

5 Weight Gainers Myth Busters

Last we sorted out myths on weight loss diet regime and today I will be busting some myths on weight gainer's diet. Yes they too have their fair share of worries the other side of the valley with green grass isn't aware of.
Unlike popular notions people who need to gain weight aren't lucky or blessed or careless about weight issues. They can be in more harm than people who have piles of weight to cut down. 

1. Eat What You Want Diet - Not a chance. Even if a person is under weight on the scale he/she needs to be equally particular of their diet to gain the right kind of weight. How is that possible when the person can't put on weight fast ? Well even with the higher metabolic rate people who want to gain weight need to watch out if they are gaining strength in the form of muscle and bone density or fat ? After all if you are gaining weight it is to look and feel good about yourself and be healthy not unhealthy. No point gaining 10 pounds of fat which will only harm your overall frail body. 

2. If you are thin looking you are thin - How I wish this was true !!!! but we need to face some harsh reality here including myself. People who appear thin can have higher fat percentage and let me give you my example before I became a health professional I was underweight and yet had high fat percentage which by obvious ways I changed it around. If you have higher fat percentage than 24% as a young girl or woman and are underweight on the scale this is an alarm of weakness in the body. Fat that doesn't show on your body is harmful as it interferes in building strength, agility, endurance. It can be hampering your nutritional assimilation or alertness too. Be careful of this sign if you are under weight or just about the right weight. When about weight always adhere to the fat percentage only. 

3. Exercise won't help but harm weight gain - I was asked randomly by a girl who wanted to gain weight what she should be looking out for. I told her to start working out and eat a planned diet and take plenty of rest. The fact that I pinned on exercise first was a revelation to her. Exercise like it helps in burning excess fat also pushes the metabolism and the hormones to build up on strength of muscle mass, bone and other tissues. It works both ways depending on whether your metabolic rate is high or low. In order to utilize the food and the energy developed from it in gaining weight your body's metabolism should be pushed into a building process and not burning process it already is accustomed to. 

4. Rest is not beneficial - People in strength training and sports always give equal importance to rest. If you are keen on gaining the correct kind of weight you ought to give your body the rest so it does some repair and strengthening action or else it keep burning out. Rest will give time and slow the hyper metabolic rate to some extent post workout. exercise should be done not before 18 - 20 hours of the previous one. 

5. People who want to gain weight can take it easy after the regime - Once you have gained desired weight your metabolism has been tweaked a little bit. You now need to watch if you are still going to be hyper metabolic or become sluggish so please keep in mind to take equal control of your diet and exercise once your through. 

Wish you wellness.

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