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Monday, January 3, 2011

Why do you need professional diet & fitness advice ?

With everything that needs intervention in your life to straighten things out you seek advice be it financial, career, emotional, marital, but why is it that when it comes to the most important thing in our lives, ironically the one that our life depends on to survive - our health we hesitate to take a step forward or look out for freebies ? If it is health insurance people wonder do I need a bigger coverage? If it is a medical advice people hesitate to go to the specialist in a good hospital thinking he/ she would charge more, and if it is a nutrition or fitness advice people  think its can wait a while until the real emergency arrives. So what is it about us civilized, educated, professionally & academically sound human beings that makes us so opposite to our instincts when it comes to our own health? Self preservation is our primary instinctive response but is it becoming secondary due to our slacker of habits viz, debts, fast food, convenience, too many options, too less time, too much money making frame of mind. All these bad lifestyle habits take us farther when it comes to making sound and informed decisions about our primary goal in life - to keep us healthy in order to be happy.

What you must know? - The most essential information you can and must know about your health is that you need to be in good professional hands in the preventive side as well as curative side. Preventive is fitness coach, dietitian trained academically and worked in clinical & exercise backgrounds, health insurance advisors, diagnostics via a M.D pathologist/ radiologist. Curative has to be a combination of a specialist i.e. M.D along with dietitian and a fitness coach/ physiotherapist/ chiropracter/ therapist of that particular disorder. Every individual after 30 needs these two teams working for them and no you don't need to be wealthy or a celeb for such perks you need it because you are just a human being who thrives in hostile environment and/ or lifestyle habits. If you already didn't know this make sure you do now and spread this word to whoever is oblivious of who they need when the need is a must. You must also know that every lifestyle disorder takes 3 months in first phase of cure and 3 - 6 months in the maintainability depending on the disorder. For instance a person who shows symptoms of hepatitis A or jaundice as we normally call it needs a minimum 3 months curative intervention and another 2-3 months of sustainability post cure. He/She needs a gastroenterologists and a dietitian to owrk hand in hand together for this period. Since most lifestyle disorders like heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, kidney disorders, anorexia/ bulimia, liver disease, bone disorders, gastroenteric diseases take considerable amount of time to build up into a disorder it takes at least half the same time to get it under control and maintain it.

What you must ask? - You must ask for a academically trained professional. In my experience as a registered dietitian I have seen people take advice from amateurs who haven't a degree from a college in the vocation neither have they been honed the skills of diagnosis, therapy and post prognosis counselling and these naive patients fail miserably risking their health. When seeking advice for medicine go to a doctor with M.D, when going to test or diagnostic lab see if the doctor on board is a pathologist for lab tests ad radiologist for x-ray, CT scan, MRI, Sonography etc. When you need to seek advice for diet go to a dietitian not a fitness trainer not a doctor not a physician, or physiotherapist. Similarly do not seek physical therapy advice from a doctor or any other specialist. However what you can ask the other vocational expert is to guide you towards the other expert. Ask for a specific professional it is what you deserve. I don't give advice on diagnostics reports but I ask my patients to take certain tests which I need them to do so as to understand their internal system functionality well and prescribe a plan accordingly the same is the case for other professionals.

What action you need to take? - You need to act upon the advice asap. Which means you can't keep pondering on the action instead of acting on it just because it will cost you some money. Everything will cost you and health advice costs you higher than any other, but this is your life we're talking about not which car is better than the other for you to think about over weeks. People let go of the paid advice and do what they can with free stuff like a friend's experience with same situation or read it on the internet. Being an online practioner I do write a lot of useful information about lifestyle, health and fitness but I must warn you that the things I or any professional like me write about are basic know how everybody who isn't a professional should know to take an informed decision. I or anyone else for that matter cannot help you generically with an article on a disease for a simple fact that you are an individual and your disease may be common with others but your condition could be starkly different from many and needs customized treatment be it medicine or food or exercise. So don't make the common blunder all and sundry do stick on he regime quickly to benefit yourself from long term hassles.

How you can be a success? - Maintain a open and honest relationship with your advisor it will help them offer you the best treatment under the given circumstances. Follow their advice to the T do not slack around it will worsen if not benefit your condition. Make sure you inform amongst your friends and social circles that what advice suits you may not suit them and do not follow blindly what has worked for some like medicines, diets, exercises or other forms of therapies. Being healthy and staying that way isn't a piece of cake in today's scenario but having said that it isn't something so difficult to follow either that you can't do it. This new year be happy and one sure way is to be healthy the right way with the help of the right advisors.
For Lifestyle Management & Wellness advice contact@wellnessandi.com

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