Dinner or Luncheon, Brunch or Tea Party, Night Out or breakfast on the go, coffee & bagel or smoothie & sandwich there are always choices to be made no matter what strata of the society one hails from or what kind of pallet one has. Now when you have to do it all dining out it gets even tougher, and its not about Mediterranean or Indian, Chinese or Moroccan, American or French cuisine nor just the budget of the restaurant or eateries but the worst thing that gives all the waist watchers a nightmare - The Nutrient Content. Eating out healthy isn't for the weak hearted but a simple and easy way will guide you no matter where you are to stay & eat healthy.
Buy me a drink/ La carte des vins - Whatever time of the day or night you are dining out start with a glass of water of cooler temperature if the day has been dry or hot. If you at a place or an event where alcoholic drink is in order go for just a glass of red wine or a fruit breezer depending on what occasion it is and keep it to just one. If there is no need to ask for an alcoholic drink like during brunch or lunch or casual dinners stick to a lime based/ fruit drink minus the sugar of course. The clearer the drink and more natural the better. Do not opt for a diet cola no matter what, they are equally bad as any other cola drink as they hamper the absorption of the nutrients that would follow and less sugar doesn't make a bad drink any less evil. An energy drink is also another bad idea and should be avoided for good as caffeine forms the most important ingredient of its constitution. Then again a smoothie if taken skim and no sugar would also compliment to be nourishing enough better than a cup of latte or cappuccino.
Starters et amuse-bouche - Keeping it light doesn't mean you need to abandon the proteins so opt for high biological value protein like poultry, fish, cottage cheese(skim), tofu, beans, feta cheese, mozzarella shredded, brie, neufchatel. Many people don't quite realize that sometimes choosing a non fried starters allows you not only to keep it light but provides enough appetite for the rest of the meal. Fat increases your feeling of satiety in a bad way since you consume less nutrition more toxicity, besides that what good is food's original value and flavor if you can't enjoy them. Ask for your choice don't be shy infact you'd be 'le tres tres chic' amongst your social circle if you demand for your niche in food. Even a salad would be ideal if going for a la carte or a buffet, infact this would be mixed with greens & protein and it couldn't get any better just don't fall for the dressing.
Le Plat Principal / Main Course - If you are an Indian cuisine afficiando like many out there my word of advise would be stay away from the gravy stick to the sauteed stuff. Naan or Indian bread isn't your best friend since its made of refine flour stripped of vitamin B, fiber, and minerals essential for the digestion, assimilation of the nutrients in the food. The better option to naan or any refine flour bread would be whole wheat Roti, the advantage goes beyond nutrition you'd be tasting the authentic home made Indian cuisine. If you are going for Mediterranean make sure white or cheese sauce is not a part of anything on the plate. Stay closer to the poultry or fish rather than red meat or any preparation that has lard or animal fat on the meat. Offal and veal are a definite no since the fat content is extremely high in these meat options. Vegetables like squashes, greens like leeks, asparagus, spinach, kale, celery, roots like raddish, parsnip, carrots and beet, cherry tomatoes, red cabbage, bell peppers, artichoke make a handsome main course too. Chinese food if really authentic can be quite healthy if not eaten fried. Most preparations have steamed options whether you are vegetarian or meat lovers. Too much of crispy texture to the food is a sign of extremely high fat content gone while preparing the dish. Moroccan or Lebanese cuisine too have healthier options in both vegetarian as well as meat. Their wood fired oven meat preparations are to be opted in for and vegetables with cous cous is a good one too. If you go all American main course you know Lobster is a baked option and so are scallops and shrimps, Grilled food with little butter sauces or oil based/ vinegar based sauces would be preferred over fatty sauces we all die for.
Le Dessert - If you really must have this course ask, demand, impose a sugar/ honey free options with added sucralose or stevia as it tastes the same like sugar. Fruit assortment has always been the easiest dessert option. Fat forms another of dessert hassles so ask for non dairy desserts or more of sorbets and gelato.
Dining out isn't the hardest routine when it comes to maintaining a diet what with so many options open with eateries and joints going all out to please every niche of clientele. The idea is to make a decision for yourself and ask for what you wish to have and you will be served right.
Buy me a drink/ La carte des vins - Whatever time of the day or night you are dining out start with a glass of water of cooler temperature if the day has been dry or hot. If you at a place or an event where alcoholic drink is in order go for just a glass of red wine or a fruit breezer depending on what occasion it is and keep it to just one. If there is no need to ask for an alcoholic drink like during brunch or lunch or casual dinners stick to a lime based/ fruit drink minus the sugar of course. The clearer the drink and more natural the better. Do not opt for a diet cola no matter what, they are equally bad as any other cola drink as they hamper the absorption of the nutrients that would follow and less sugar doesn't make a bad drink any less evil. An energy drink is also another bad idea and should be avoided for good as caffeine forms the most important ingredient of its constitution. Then again a smoothie if taken skim and no sugar would also compliment to be nourishing enough better than a cup of latte or cappuccino.
Starters et amuse-bouche - Keeping it light doesn't mean you need to abandon the proteins so opt for high biological value protein like poultry, fish, cottage cheese(skim), tofu, beans, feta cheese, mozzarella shredded, brie, neufchatel. Many people don't quite realize that sometimes choosing a non fried starters allows you not only to keep it light but provides enough appetite for the rest of the meal. Fat increases your feeling of satiety in a bad way since you consume less nutrition more toxicity, besides that what good is food's original value and flavor if you can't enjoy them. Ask for your choice don't be shy infact you'd be 'le tres tres chic' amongst your social circle if you demand for your niche in food. Even a salad would be ideal if going for a la carte or a buffet, infact this would be mixed with greens & protein and it couldn't get any better just don't fall for the dressing.
Le Plat Principal / Main Course - If you are an Indian cuisine afficiando like many out there my word of advise would be stay away from the gravy stick to the sauteed stuff. Naan or Indian bread isn't your best friend since its made of refine flour stripped of vitamin B, fiber, and minerals essential for the digestion, assimilation of the nutrients in the food. The better option to naan or any refine flour bread would be whole wheat Roti, the advantage goes beyond nutrition you'd be tasting the authentic home made Indian cuisine. If you are going for Mediterranean make sure white or cheese sauce is not a part of anything on the plate. Stay closer to the poultry or fish rather than red meat or any preparation that has lard or animal fat on the meat. Offal and veal are a definite no since the fat content is extremely high in these meat options. Vegetables like squashes, greens like leeks, asparagus, spinach, kale, celery, roots like raddish, parsnip, carrots and beet, cherry tomatoes, red cabbage, bell peppers, artichoke make a handsome main course too. Chinese food if really authentic can be quite healthy if not eaten fried. Most preparations have steamed options whether you are vegetarian or meat lovers. Too much of crispy texture to the food is a sign of extremely high fat content gone while preparing the dish. Moroccan or Lebanese cuisine too have healthier options in both vegetarian as well as meat. Their wood fired oven meat preparations are to be opted in for and vegetables with cous cous is a good one too. If you go all American main course you know Lobster is a baked option and so are scallops and shrimps, Grilled food with little butter sauces or oil based/ vinegar based sauces would be preferred over fatty sauces we all die for.
Le Dessert - If you really must have this course ask, demand, impose a sugar/ honey free options with added sucralose or stevia as it tastes the same like sugar. Fruit assortment has always been the easiest dessert option. Fat forms another of dessert hassles so ask for non dairy desserts or more of sorbets and gelato.
Dining out isn't the hardest routine when it comes to maintaining a diet what with so many options open with eateries and joints going all out to please every niche of clientele. The idea is to make a decision for yourself and ask for what you wish to have and you will be served right.