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Saturday, June 11, 2011

Surya Namaskar - Full body workout in just 10 minutes

We all are pressed with the paucity of time and so much for time, we aren’t very good with the enthusiasm factor either. No wonder exercise is only an excuse away and fitness is always a milestone, we want to walk towards a mile a minute without being on a double espresso shot. But is there an antidote for the curse of time & laziness in today’s world? Do we dwell as bean bags & machine dependent fitness freaks or is there something we all have under our nose but are missing to point it out? Let’s pull a leaf from the ancient scripture; all the way to an exotic land we commonly call as INDIA. So as rightly guessed Yoga has our answer but then don’t be under the slow & painfully twister form of the exercise, as it has a unique alternative too called SURYA NAMASKAR. If you haven’t heard of this word yet probably you must have come across it as power yoga as its variations.
Surya Namaskar origins & form – It is a common sequence of Hatha yoga asanas (Hand Yoga Poses). Its origins lie in a worship of Surya (Sun), the Hindu solar deity which literally translates to Sun Salutations. This sequence of movements and poses can be practiced on varying levels of awareness, ranging from that of physical exercise in various styles, to a complete exercise which incorporates asana (positions), pranayam (breathing pattern), mantra (chants) and chakra meditation. The physical base of the practice links together twelve positions in a dynamically performed series. These asanas / positions are ordered so that they alternately stretch the spine backwards and forwards. When performed in the usual way, each asana is moved into with alternate inhalation and exhalation (except for the sixth asana where the breath is held in external suspension). A full round of Surya Namaskar  is considered to be two sets of the twelve poses with a change in the second set to moving the opposite leg first through the series. Some proponents of the use of Surya Namaskar as part of the modern yoga tradition prefer to perform it at sunrise, which the orthodox consider to be the most 'spiritually favorable' time of the day. There are numerous references of praising the Sun for the purpose of good health and prosperity, in Vedas. Some of these Vedic hymns were incorporated into Nitya Vidhi (Daily mandatory routine for a Hindu) for the well being of an individual, through salutations to the Sun. These daily procedures were termed as Surya Namaskar. Physical prostration to Sun, showing complete surrender of oneself to God, is the main aspect of these procedures. In a traditional Hindu context, Surya Namaskara is always performed facing in the direction of the rising (east) or setting (west) sun.

Full Body Workout in 10 min – So how does this form of Vedic exercise help us 21st centurions to get our fitness in just 10 minutes, when a regular workout takes around 30 – 40 minutes a session? Like mentioned before Surya Namaskar comprises of 2 sets of 12 poses and they all have to be performed in one single repetition. You may think of it as a single choreographed movement with 12 positions back to back. Let’s go through every pose with its breathing pattern and mantra to understand its synchrony better.
Asana 1 - Pranamasana (Prayer pose) is performed as shown in the video below and the breathing pattern involved is exhaling. The mantra to be recited during the prayer pose is “om mitrāya nama “and the chakra is anahata i.e. the heart.

Asana 2 - Hasta Uttanasana (Raised Arms pose) is performed by raising both arms upwards and bending them backwards with your back arched while inhaling deeply. This helps stretching both the arms & upper back. The mantra to be recited during the raised arms pose is “om ravaye namaand the chakra is vishuddhi i.e. throat.

Asana 3 - Hastapaadasana (Standing Forward Bend pose) is performed by bringing the raised arms down to the feet and bending forward while exhaling & stretching the hamstrings (back of thigh), lower back and simultaneously flexing the lower abdominals. The mantra to be recited during this pose is “om sūryāya namaand the chakra is swadisthana i.e. bottom of the abdomen.

Asana 4 - Aekpaadprasarnaasana (Equestrian pose) is to be performed by inhaling and simultaneously stretching right leg behind with the palms touching the ground and the other leg bent and eyes facing upwards. This asana flexes the triceps, shoulders, and stretches the hamstrings. The mantra to be recited during this pose is “om bhānave namaand the chakra is ajna i.e. forehead.
Asana 5 - Dandasana (Four-Limbed Staff Pose) is to be performed by exhaling and stretching the left leg behind with the already stretched right leg from the previous asana. This doubles the effect on the muscles from the previous asana and gives a good resistance to the upper body as well as the lower body while also working on the abs. The mantra to be recited during this pose is “om khagāya nama “and the chakra is visuddhi i.e. throat.
Asana 6 - Ashtanga Namaskara (Salute with the Eight Limbs pose) is to be performed by suspension of the breath and diving nose down to touch your legs, abs and chest to the ground. This relaxes all the muscles worked out in the previous pose. The mantra to be recited in this pose is “om puhe nama “and the chakra is manipura i.e. solar plexus.
Asana 7 - Bhujangasana (Cobra pose) is to inhale & bring the chest upto the upper abs upwards from the ground forming an arch of the back while the legs and lower abs touch the ground. This stretches the lower back as well as the upper abs and flexes the biceps and triceps, shoulders and upper back. The mantra to be recited in this pose is “om hiraya garbhāya namaand the chakra is swadisthana i.e. bottom of the abdomen.
Asana 8 - Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward-Facing Dog) is to exhale and bring the hips backwards &; facing upwards while the palms and feet touch the ground. The pose stretches the thighs, calf, arms. The mantra to be recited is “om marīchaye namaḥ” and the chakra is visuddhi i.e. throat.
Asana 9 - Ashwa Sanchalanasana (Equestrian pose) is the same as asana 4 but run backwards. The breathing pattern is inhaling and the muscle group is in action as in asana 4. The mantra to be recited during this pose is “om ādityāya nama “and the chakra is ajna i.e. forehead.
Asana 10 - Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend pose) is similar to asana 3 run backwards while exhaling. The mantra to be recited is “om savitre namaḥ” and the chakra is swadisthana i.e. bottom of the abdomen.
Asana 11 - Hasta Uttanasana (Raised Arms pose) is similar to pose 2 run backwards while inhaling. The mantra to be recited is “om arkāya namaḥ” and the chakra is visuddhi i.e. throat.
Asana 12 - Pranamasana (Prayer pose) is coming back to where the Namaskar began while exhaling. The mantra to be recited is “om bhāskarāya namaḥ” and the chakra is anahata i.e. the heart.
Cool Down – The Surya Namaskar sessions once completed has to be ended with a cool down by lying down on the mat as a dead body breathing in and out slowly.

Those were the 12 positions that need to be done in one single practice and every practice needs to be repeated back to back with the other without stopping. If you are doing it for the firs time its better to start with just 2 – 3 minutes gradually working upto 5 minutes by a week. Try to accommodate 2 namaskars in one minute span of time and later 3 namaskars in a minute. Get to a 10 minute session within 2 weeks and gradually proceeds to 15 minutes by a month. Even if you stick to a 10 minutes session with 3 namaskars per minute it will do your body a lot more than not working out at all. As you will notice once you get into the practice that it isn’t as easy to actually do the namskars as it appears to be. Even to continue for 10 minutes requires immense endurance and strength which builds up over a period of regular practice every week. Every muscle in your body is not only going through resistance training but is developing cardiovascular endurance too simultaneously and strengthening the lung capacity with the breathing patterns. What better can there be when you are so time tied and need that extra push of endurance and endorphin everyday. 

Monday, June 6, 2011

Kick Boxing for great Abs

Abdominal muscles usually take up most of the attention of a aspirant body builder or gym enthusiast or weight watcher or celebrity and its versions. Tight Abs or 6 pack abs are the core reason to workout on the core strength of the body. But of course like everything delicious in life, it takes hard work & patience but then who said hard work has to be boring? Alternative to the regular crunches and oblique benders etc there are variations that can give you a high. Kickboxing is one such great abs workout not many have yet discovered its role in core strength.

A Kick, A Jab & Abs - How can an exercise of kick & jabbing in the air or target work on the abdominal muscles that aren’t visually used for the same? Contrary to what is seen kickboxing is all about breathing in and out using your abdominal muscles while punching or throwing a kick. If you breathe only from the chest area it won’t have the same effect and you might end up back to square one. The inhaling and exhaling should come from within the belly and you must feel the abdominal muscle worked while jabbing or kicking. Don’t exhaust the muscles as that again is not the idea of the whole exercise.
Fun, Fitness & Frustration – The best exercise for your energy and mind balance too could easily be kickboxing. Corporate engulfment of your vital energy and patience reserves can have pent up emotional and physical frustration that can be vented out on a punching bag that isn’t a living form of life. Many have taken to kickboxing to channelize their emotional energy from the negative to positive. Yes how does that help your abs again? Well for starters the energy thrust does give an edge to the breathing and hence the abs. The more you concentrate in letting the kick or punch out with good flow of pent up anger or frustration or even joy the better the effect.
Key is the Stance – Kickboxing is as much about the stance as it is about breathing right. Stance can change the game completely and lead either to safety or injury. One need not get injured for his/her enthusiasm cause that would be opposite of the intention. While taking a stance to kick make sure to stand on both feet at shoulder distance apart from each other and knees slightly bent to keep the joint soft. Have one foot in the forward direction to the other and kick with the leg behind. The arms should also be with elbows in a soft angel and fists forward near the chest. Elbows to be kept as close to the body for better movement as well as better thrust while punching or jabbing. The importance of keeping your knee & elbows joint soft is so as to avoid injury and straining the joint. The feet apart gives the center of gravity and body weight to level out & provides better balance to avoid falling off or spraining a ligament while punching or kicking. Shoulders should be straight and not forward similarly the torso should remain in the same position and not bent forward or stooping. The hip joint should be in motion only while kicking and not twisting it while doing a cross jab. This ensures your breathing to be effective and gives enough resistance to the upper and lower abs to strengthen it.
Abs are a very small yet important muscle group in the body. It isn't only for beauty & presentation that we need to work on them but to provide stability to the whole body and give it support. Many forget the abs & back as stability provider to the body which is far more important than the sculpted figure. Flexibility is also a significant aspect people don't pay heed to but it serves far more crucial in times of need where the body could do well. Kick-boxing is a good exercise form to ensure better stability and flexibility to the core muscles of the body and is a better alternative to the mundane cardiovascular workout with machines. Plus it needs only a balanced firm terrain and can be done anywhere outside four walls amidst fresh air. 

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

7 Habits of Ineffective Weight Watchers

Inspired by the famous book its time to discuss some top 7 habits of all those ineffective weight watchers. Previously on the blog we covered the 5 reasons why people don't lose weight mostly with respect to diet and exercise, but in this post we'd break down the most crucial habits of anyone who has been attempting to watch their weight but in vain.

Habit 7: Lose the excuse - When wishing to lose the pounds on your waist and hips the first thing one must lose is the nasty habit of giving an excuse for repeated failure, lack of time, lack of space, lack of everything the world has to offer. There is only one thing lacking to stay in ship shape and that is attitude and integrity.

Habit 6: Speaking of Integrity -  A little waver here or there can cost a month long or even longer sabbatical from the goal accomplishment. Integrity to exercise especially to stick to the assigned routine and take responsibility towards any slacker is the key to reach the goal post. If you cheat own it, if you want to win abide by it. Show some integrity for your own dignity, that's the mantra.

Habit 5: Just Cardio on a treadmill - OMG! that is so old school to do just a treadmill for weight maintenance and fitness. I mean this ain't the 90's people we're in 2011 our bodies have come of age and how. We live in an era where exhaustion comes easier than energy, we need much more strength and stability than our fathers and grandfathers did, that's our world can't blame it alone but need to overcome it. Just cardio has never worked and never will to get an envious body and great fitness, as it needs to be supported with strength & resistance training. Those who are sheer lazy of taking pain with resistance training should also know that its not only about the body beautiful we're talking about but more importantly the body strength and vitality for years to come. Weight watchers make this one mistake unabashedly and later suffer the lack of a toned and strong body as well as the bursting happy hormone.

Habit 4: The DIET - It will never cease to repeat itself on the list of doing it all wrong to keep ship shape. Many try their tricks off the sleeve and fail miserably but most who do go the right path in seeking professional help do't really adapt their diet with the workout regime. Fitness regime depends a lot on your diet and vice-verse but rarely is this given due importance and rather treated as separate entities. If your diet lacks in pre exercise protein quality there ain't much one can expect from the outcome of that particular session. Similarly if it isn't equipped with enough protein-carbs energy post workout the rebuild and repair would also suffer.

Habit 3: Hydration - Either its done over the top or its taken to drought limits during weight loss periods. Hydration is necessary to repair, rebuild and rejuvenate the body into the desired shape as much as the food eaten or the fitness regime undertaken. Hydration or the lack of it leads to toxicity and acidity in the body which in turn leads to metabolic stress. We all are now aware how metabolic stress can hamper hormonal function essential to keep the fat metabolism along with other metabolic activity in check.

Habit 2: Overdrive - Getting on an overdrive with anything for a short stint and then burning out isn't a good strategy even to lose weight or keep it under check. Many come looking forward to lose as much as 20 lbs of weight in just a month and if turned around disappointed claim that the professional advise wasn't good enough. Crash workout or crash dieting or both together for a short period will show you great unbelievable results of your wish, however they will be unbelievable because they won't last longer than you can say "I don't believe it".

Habit 1: No Diet only Workout - What goes in must show out but even if you expend it in energy currency there is a limit to what and how much you can burn out. It isn't all about just the weight or the look because in good shape or bad your body will reflect your inner health outwardly and you need to take care of the health quotient.

Habits are hard break but if there really was an option between those habits or yourself what would you stick to? 

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Eating out healthy

Dinner or Luncheon, Brunch or Tea Party, Night Out or breakfast on the go, coffee & bagel or smoothie & sandwich there are always choices to be made no matter what strata of the society one hails from or what kind of pallet one has. Now when you have to do it all dining out it gets even tougher, and its not about Mediterranean or Indian, Chinese or Moroccan, American or French cuisine nor just the budget of the restaurant or eateries but the worst thing that gives all the waist watchers a nightmare - The Nutrient Content. Eating out healthy isn't for the weak hearted but a simple and easy way will guide you no matter where you are to stay & eat healthy.

Buy me a drink/ La carte des vins - Whatever time of the day or night you are dining out start with a glass of water of cooler temperature if the day has been dry or hot. If you at a place or an event where alcoholic drink is in order go for just a glass of red wine or a fruit breezer depending on what occasion it is and keep it to just one. If there is no need to ask for an alcoholic drink like during brunch or lunch or casual dinners stick to a lime based/ fruit drink minus the sugar of course. The clearer the drink and more natural the better. Do not opt for a diet cola no matter what, they are equally bad as any other cola drink as they hamper the absorption of the nutrients that would follow and less sugar doesn't make a bad drink any less evil. An energy drink is also another bad idea and should be avoided for good as caffeine forms the most important ingredient of its constitution. Then again a smoothie if taken skim and no sugar would also compliment to be nourishing enough better than a cup of latte or cappuccino.

Starters et amuse-bouche - Keeping it light doesn't mean you need to abandon the proteins so opt for high biological value protein like poultry, fish, cottage cheese(skim), tofu, beans, feta cheese, mozzarella shredded, brie,  neufchatel. Many people don't quite realize  that sometimes choosing a non fried starters allows you not only to keep it light but provides enough appetite for the rest of the meal. Fat increases your feeling of satiety in a bad way since you consume less nutrition more toxicity, besides that what good is food's original value and flavor if you can't enjoy them. Ask for your choice don't be shy infact you'd be 'le tres tres chic' amongst your social circle if you demand for your niche in food. Even a salad would be ideal if going for a la carte or a buffet, infact this would be mixed with greens & protein and it couldn't get any better just don't fall for the dressing.

Le Plat Principal / Main Course - If you are an Indian cuisine afficiando like many out there my word of advise would be stay away from the gravy stick to the sauteed stuff. Naan or Indian bread isn't your best friend since its made of refine flour stripped of vitamin B, fiber, and minerals essential for the digestion, assimilation of the nutrients in the food. The better option to naan or any refine flour bread would be whole wheat Roti, the advantage goes beyond nutrition you'd be tasting the authentic home made Indian cuisine. If you are going for Mediterranean make sure white or cheese sauce is not a part of anything on the plate. Stay closer to the poultry or fish rather than red meat or any preparation that has lard or animal fat on the meat. Offal and veal are a definite no since the fat content is extremely high in these meat options. Vegetables like squashes, greens like leeks, asparagus, spinach, kale, celery, roots like raddish, parsnip, carrots and beet, cherry tomatoes, red cabbage, bell peppers, artichoke make a handsome main course too. Chinese food if really authentic can be quite healthy if not eaten fried. Most preparations have steamed options whether you are vegetarian or meat lovers. Too much of crispy texture to the food is a sign of extremely high fat content gone while preparing the dish. Moroccan or Lebanese cuisine too have healthier options in both vegetarian as well as meat. Their wood fired oven meat preparations are to be opted in for and vegetables with cous cous is a good one too. If you go all American main course you know Lobster is a baked option and so are scallops and shrimps, Grilled food with little butter sauces or oil based/ vinegar based sauces would be preferred over fatty sauces we all die for.

Le Dessert - If you really must have this course ask, demand, impose a sugar/ honey free options with added sucralose or stevia as it tastes the same like sugar. Fruit assortment has always been the easiest dessert option. Fat forms another of dessert hassles so ask for non dairy desserts or more of sorbets and gelato.

Dining out isn't the hardest routine when it comes to maintaining a diet what with so many options open with eateries and joints going all out to please every niche of clientele. The idea is to make a decision for yourself and ask for what you wish to have and you will be served right.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Hydration therapy for younger skin

Ever wonder if we all could be less dependent on skin care products in the market be more reliable on the most frequently used essential things we survive on? That would be such a huge saving, however it cannot be entirely true although some simple steps can go long way. Water is the simplest, easiest and most effective way to take care of your skin even better than any product you have heard of in the media.

Therapy Remedy - Hydration therapy can be done in many ways than splashing/ spritzing water through the day over your face and neck. Hydration is never having to feel thirsty or parched or scratchy on your skin. Drinking water every 3- 4 hours for straight 14 - 16 hours of the day which is plain as well as mixed with solutes like minerals, vitamins, salt and sugar. A total of 70-80 fl oz through a hot/ dry day for an adult is justified in the tropics and 50 - 60 fl oz in temperate zones. We do not want to discount the air conditioning that has the tendency of dehydrating the body slow and steady.

Why hydrate like a regime? - Well for starters like mentioned earlier everyone wants to make life simpler and easier to deal with all the pollution and toxicity that surrounds us 24/7. Hydrating constantly keeps the blood circulation through our body especially the liver and kidney system flushing out toxins and detoxifying them to ensure a much cleaner and healthier environment internally as opposing to that outside. Water being the universal solvent also keeps a large amount of solutes that need help to reach to the target organ or to be thrown out. Water not only washes out but also regulate many life processes like hormonal stimulation and regulation, protein build up and strengthening, repair and rejuvenation of cells/ tissues, helps keep the moisture content in the collagen and elastin within the skin. Moisture is the main reason why we look younger and healthier. It is also why wrinkles aren't visible since the water molecules are held by glycoproteins tightly in the elastin and collagen framework. But during the course of the day there are many circumstances where the moisture can be taken away to the point of dehydration even when you are as young as 20 -25 years. The sun is not going to get any less unforgiving than it is today with its penetrating UV rays and add to that is the stress that surrounds us that causes hormonal changes. If the climatic conditions in your country or city are tropical or dusty or going through the city pollution that is further more damaging. Water gives you long lasting relief to all the problems related to any circulatory or hormonal hurdles not to mention its cleanse at its best. 

Best way to hydrate - Spritzing water on your face every few hours or cleansing it at 4 hour interval with soap free face wash - toner - sunscreen and adding a tall glass of water or fresh fruit juice optionally without added sugar. Eating as many different whole fruits through the day can do greater wonders as much as water, choosing organic salads as appetizers while dining over conventional options is another great way to hydrate. Hydration is one of the easily avoided aspects of our day and ironically it holds the key to a younger and healthier you.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Nutritional Labels - Why you must demand them?

For people who live in the North American, European, Britain and some Asia-Pacific countries nutrition labels on food products are as trivial as checking out the price tag on it. But there are many such countries that are even a growing economy nutrient content on any packed food item is least cared about and people would obliviously purchase anything that could be nutritionally dangerous for them. It isn't that people do not want to know what is the nutritional content of a food item or product but they don't press for it to the brand that sells it. Unless you don't demand it you ain't getting it either.

Necessity for Nutrition Labels - Do you check if the produce and dairy you purchase from the store or grocer is fresh, clean and reasonably priced? Then why isn't the most important facts about the same food or any other packed food that determine what effect it could have on your body and mind worthy enough to be taken a note of? There could be preservatives toxic for your body in the food you buy, fat content could be alarming, vitamins could be denatured, minerals could be chelated, Protein content could be too high for certain contraindications. How do you know that the packed noodles you buy or the packed soup you eat is healthy, nutrients are untampered, the portion size offers a good amount of the total recommended daily allowances of whichever nutrient is present. If it is contraindicated if you suffer from metabolic disorders like diabetes, kidney failure, liver failure/ dysfunction, mineral metabolic dysfunction etc. If it is essential to know if the food you ingest is clean and prepared in hygienic environment and method then it is most important to know what does the food really contain.

Reading the label - Many people are unaware of how to primarily read the label and it isn't their fault because this isn't common man's knowledge to begin with and there hasn't been far spread and in depth education about this topic too. Even those in the most developed societies who get to read the nutrition facts just like the image above do not know what exactly to make of it. First and foremost check the net weight of the product and then divide it by 100 gm or 1 ounce (30 gm/ 25 gm) because the nutrition facts on the label are given in either portions. Then check the amount of total fat, % of saturated & unsaturated, hydrogenated  fats from the fat content, then comes the total amount of protein and carbohydrates with sugars, you must next check the total amount of sodium content and either calcium or iron (as per the food product). What you must know though is if there are any preservatives that could account to the sodium or other inorganic substance in the product like nitrates, bicarbonates, phosphates. The fat content should not exceed above 15 -20% of the food and the carbohydrate content should be hovering around 50 - 60%, if the food is suppose to be a high protein food then it should be around 25 - 30% or else moderately around 12-15%. Sodium levels will obviously depend upon what the food is but the content to keep it under control should be level within 150 - 200 mg per serving. Other factors like MSG, tartaric acid, wax, any color additive and all of these have to be mentioned if at all present in even trace amounts. Dietary fiber is another important aspect to look out for and if fortified with extra nutrients then their respective amounts.

Once you've realized how much does the correct nutritional facts help in buying the right food you will see it percolating in your health as well. It is then more of a habit than a remembrance to check for the label that gives you a brief of how healthy and delicious you're food is going to be while dining.

Friday, April 8, 2011

5 best ways to diet & not lose weight

Mirror Mirror on the wall... tell me has the diet been going wrong? The thought of listing out the top 5 must not's to lose weight that people invariably practice as a must have is as tempting as a dessert and we've got just a list for you weight watchers. Take it from those who see people go wrong and brag about it all the time almost every waking moment, the best diet tips could sometimes come from those who do it all wrong and blame it on the diet for getting no satisfaction. Find out the best 5 ways to diet and yet not lose enough weight.
#5 - Diet but No exercise or vice versa: Counting these people is like counting how many hair does one have. There are versions of these faux pas makers too like only cardio or only weight training or none or bouts of either. The reason this is one of the best ways not to lose weight is because the depot of fat that needs mobilization cannot occur uniformly and adequately without regular planned workout. When we workout adequately balancing both cardio and strength training we not only burn fat by enhancing our muscular strength but also by increasing endurance. Exercise not only helps burn fat in a momentum but also facilitates the body's priority to divert nutrition and blood flow where needed the most and adds up on strength.

#4 - Skipping meals: Its one of the most popular ways to try to lose weight but it always back fires on those who practice it. Skipping meals is equivalent to forced starvation or fasting. It motivates the body to store as much energy source in it so as to be able to use it for later when the body is made to starve/ fast. This invariably stores more fat and converts whatever excess sugar into fat to be deposited in the body as reserves. Whenever meals are eaten they would be eaten in excess due to previous fasting or if not then the body really goes into overdrive to not waste any nutritional source for energy but keep storing it while breaking down the body for energy. Whenever you feel like enough weight has been lost by skipping meals and want to go back to eating normally the body snaps out and adds up on a load of sudden energy gain making you even more fatter than you started out.

#3 - Crash/ Fad Dieting: Crash and burn is not how its done to be fair and honest. Fad diets or crash diets that can only last you for a week or two take away from the body more than the weight loss they promise. Going through one fad diet into another or sticking to the same leaves the body under nourished from vital minerals, vitamins, proteins and even carbohydrates and essential fats. The south beach, general motor, baby food, HCG, Atkins, cayenne pepper - lemon juice are all but ways and means to offer temporary delusions and not permanent solutions for a healthier you. Infact it gets you into a vicious cycle of not eating normal food filled with rich nutrients like omega 3 fats, Vitamin B complex, phyto-chemicals, amino acids, Vitamin C, A, D & E, zinc, mangnese, iron, calcium etc for weeks at a stretch leaving your body malnourished. Fat loss becomes a very distant possibility if the body isn't fulfilled with common nutrients itself for the enzyme & hormone function.

#2 - Reversing to old diet: Many people lose 20 pounds or more of their weight and switch back to their pre-weight loss diet and lifestyle as if this period of weight loss will be running long because of their time & money investment. Can it get any more illogical than that? The time and energy you have put into getting your body acclimatized to a lifestyle and diet that allows higher metabolic rate and burns fat more quicker why would you want to take it away just for momentary temptations?

#1 - Diet without professional help: There is a reason why this ranks on top of the charts because for every person who is looking to lose or manage weight there will always be 10 unqualified professionals to give two bits of their supposed tips. A very successful cardiac surgeon Dr. Hariawala from Harvard Medical once said in his oration "free advice is risky as compared to an advice with a fee, if you want to seek help for skin problems don't go to a cardiologist seek a dermatologist and vice versa". If you want any health related help seek the concerned professional like a registered dietitian not a person who had a successful experience with the professional. Paying for health advice and following through till completion is something most population in the world are wary of or just not habituated to. Nevertheless this #1 reason will always leave you wondering somewhere down the road what did you do wrong in losing weight when your friend/ relative succeeded with the same diet. Because diets like exercise are different for all individuals and there is no two ways about this.

Monday, March 28, 2011

What is a true power lunch ?

Its chic to talk about having power lunches with your colleagues or boss, but how many of you really know what a power lunch really means? Is it just a concept or is it practically real too? Power lunch is not about having lunch amidst top CEOs or something that only C -segment people in Wall St, Mumbai, Honk Kong & London can do, it is what the meal consists of and that is energy boosting nutrients.

What's for lunch? - If you have your lunch anywhere around 2.30 pm onwards you're in for big troubles in life and that is an affirmation. A good powerhouse lunch should be scheduled between 12 pm - 1.30pm that is when your body needs its fuel and you get to enjoy your food too. The primary lookout for any power lunch is how well can you kick your now slowly slugging metabolism for the next 5 hours and not go into a drowsy spell. A colorful bowl of salad comprising of good amounts of deep reds/ purple and greens with an ounce of high protein ingredients like oily fish, lean poultry, eggs, soy, cottage cheese or lean cheese should be your first handsome course. The idea of a heavy salad is to fulfill the need of high fiber, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals in its organic raw form as much as possible along with a dosage of protein to balance the insulin secretion further. Do not go for any fat base dressing, stick to vino or vinegar variety. For a main course if you are into breads go for whole wheat or multi-grain and keep it lean, fresh as far as possible. If rice is on the menu for the day then make sure it is packed with a lot of veggies and lean meat or plant protein. This supplements the rice with high fiber and low glycemic index food that keeps the drowsy spells at bay. A good portion of meat or fish or other protein would be the size of a deck of cards which is either grilled or sauteed along with some veggies. Do not wash the meal with any fruit juice no matter how well its packed with vitamins and minerals it is but good food- wrong time- wrong reason.

Dissecting the power lunch - What is so powerful about the power lunch or a sample of it mentioned above? The low glycemic index foods that do not surge up the insulin levels in the blood there by regulating the slow and steady release of glucose to the tissues. This helps in many ways than just fat loss, it helps in slowing down gastric emptying and keeps you satiated for long. The metabolic push provided with the high fiber, high protein and adequately supplied antioxidants and minerals in the lunch boosts the body's energy for another 5 hours. Vegetables form the most important aspects in boosting the metabolic rate and not just the lean meat, fish or other protein, but the way the vegetables/ meat/fish are cooked are dominant in deciding the metabolic rate of the body too. Too much of fat or sugar while cooking could hamper the nutritional value and its content as well as slow down digestive process and metabolic rate. The more organic and light the ingredients of the lunch the more powerful it gets. The minerals & vitamins and phytochemicals in the salad that we mentioned are real role models to facilitate the entire working, digestion, assimilation of all nutrients of the lunch as a whole.

Hopefully you enjoy your lunch hour with a wholesome delicious meal. Bon Appetite!!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Breakfast like a King

By now everybody who is anybody knows that breakfast is the most important meal of the day as the saying "Breakfast Like a King" is been rubbed on your brain with every cereal box commercial. Usually the city goers breakfast like a pauper and eat dinner like a king unless of course you are one of those who take breakfast on the go over the subway or cab or bus or even your car. But why do you need this meal to be eaten like a king and more importantly what are the ingredients you ought to be taking in the healthiest breakfast? In this post we discuss the most essential nutrients of a breakfast and how every culture and cuisine can offer healthy breakfast.
The Perfect breakfast: No such thing as the perfect breakfast for all it really depends on your individual needs for nutrition. But having said that every breakfast must fulfill certain requisites of nutrients no matter what and that would be termed as perfect breakfast if at all that is what it is. The best breakfast is the one where you feel enriched, energized completely to survive you till pre lunch. It definitely must brighten your day as you step out into the world which means it should be delicious and yes healthy food can be as delicious as unhealthy food. 

Top Breakfast Nutrients: #1 Protein - It ranks number uno for a simple reason that this nutrient is much needed for your body to rejuvenate, rebuild and carry on the entire day's activity based on the first shot of protein and amino acids it can get. Proteins also give the metabolism a good kick start and balance the insulin secretion and hence fat breakdown.

#2 Carbohydrates - If you think healthy food has low carbs, think again. The perfect balance of protein with complex and simple carbohydrates is what gives your breakfast its title "Perfect". Complex carbs with the fiber content are much needed to keep the satiety and offer long lasting supply of glucose to the body which helps curb the hunger pangs and also stops the ping pong insulin secretion. Simple carbs like fructose and lactose (if not intolerant) offer the instant sugar that is needed to break the fast from the previous dinner.

#3 Iron & Vitamin C - Well they go hand in hand as Vit C helps in the absorption of iron should there be equal amount of calcium in the meal. Iron is best absorbed during the morning time usually in the first meal and also utilized in the body effectively. The RBC's hemoglobin needs iron for the uptake of oxygen molecules and the less the absorption of iron the less the oxygen carried in the blood. Iron is also required for various other enzymes and other cellular functioning. Vitamin C on the other hand comes handy whenever you can take it as its the top antioxidant to combat the daily free radical stress. Vitamin C is also essential for our skin, nails and immune structure as without it things may fall apart.

#4 Essential Fats - Omega 3 & 6 of fats are the most essential to help us fight stress, build our immunity and basic cellular structure, give our skin, hair their health as well as regulate hormones and enzymes. The protective agents that they play for our pulmonary, neural and cardiac organs goes without saying.

#5 Zinc & Vitamin B - Vitamin B is the basic nutrient we need to kick start our day with energy boost as its the vitamin that is responsible for energy generation, metabolism, DNA synthesis and structure, protein synthesis, hemoglobin and iron uptake, neural activity and enzyme activity. Zinc on the other hand is the mineral present in most enzyme structures and/ or helps to activate an enzyme in certain cases. It is also a good antioxidant and helps the repair of skin, hair and damages within the body. Zinc has been proven to be one of the most important minerals in the body for this same reason.

Healthy Breakfast Ingredients: Now that we know about the nutrients we must have in our breakfast it is equally crucial to know the food that actually bears these top 5 nutrients. These could be found in all cuisines and cultures.
Protein - Chicken, Egg whites (hen/duck), soy bean, tofu, black beans, kidney beans, lentils, cottage cheese, yoghurt, tuna, turkey, skim milk, millets.
Complex Carbs - Whole wheat, oats, oat meal, corn meal, rye, ragi (Indian millet), bajra / jowar (Indian millet), red rice, unpolished rice, lentils, sweet potato, vegetables.
Simple Carbs - Fruits, avocado, skim dairy, honey, squash.
Iron - figs, egg yolk, lean poultry, watercress seeds, spinach, brussel sprout, rice flakes, raddish / coriander greens, parsley.
Vitamin C - Berries, oranges, avocado, sprouts, lime, lemon, pomegranate, red / black grapes, collard greens, brussel sprouts, raddish greens, kiwi, horse raddish.
Essential Fats - almonds, walnuts, olive oil, rice bran oil, coconut oil, sesame seeds, salmon, tuna, figs, avocado.
Zinc - Banana, sweet potato, almonds, walnuts, lean poultry, fish, eggs, milk, sesame seeds, oats, fruits.
Vitamin B - unpolished rice, whole wheat, soy, oats, rye, bran, corn, fish, millets, egg yolk, skim milk.

Now that you know what ingredients you should be looking out for breakfast and how important are these ingredients especially to kick start your day and your metabolism, hopefully you will be eating breakfast like a king and not a pauper.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Nutrition that defies signs of ageing

Previously on Wellness & I blog we discussed in brief the diet requirement for anti ageing. In this post we come across precisely those ingredients we need to be looking out for to defy the signs of ageing early on in life. This will be a slide share post so make sure you get all the details and follow through in the lifestyle management program.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

The Weight Plateau Diet Abuse & Facts

They say the universe has a great sense of humor, that sometimes making your dreams come true can seem like a nightmare. One such instance is that of a weight loss when people guide themselves into a diet and exercise without any professional help or some professional help and then the inevitable happens. WEIGHT PLATEAU.
Early Weight loss - The first 2 months of weight loss are the most glorious if done to the tee. First and foremost the body is just about adapting to a lower calorie daily intake and is shedding off water content from the body due to physical workout and adjusting the metabolic activity. Beyond the fact that the first 2-3 weeks of your weight loss is predominantly water loss and little fat loss. The easiest way to lose weight is to shed off the excess water which inadvertently happens in the first few weeks giving us the impression that we are shedding off excess fat. In the next few weeks after the body has acclimatized to the water loss, low caloric intake and workout it slowly begins to mobilize the fat deposits stored in the adipose tissue. But fat isn't so easy to come off without the right amount of push to the metabolism and insulin regulation. Earlier on in the first 2 months of weight loss you cut back slowly and unevenly, but even if you eat absolutely like the diet recommends your insulin would need sometime to balance its act with a lower carb diet than before. Lowering carbs in your diet takes the insulin lower making the body mobilize fat more easily. However any further lowering in the carbs and the fat breakdown leads to acidity and ketone bodies in the blood and thats a bad news for liver and kidneys.
Approaching the Plateau - Slowly and steadily your body over the weeks takes on the fat burning process seriously than before and it catches up with momentum and makes sure your metabolism is in full swing with your diet and more so even if you have an odd day with a meal you'll be covered for a day. There comes a point after 3 months or more when the fat has been reduced to a level where the metabolic activity has come on par or complacence with the body fat present and needs to be on a turbo charge to go on another overdrive. This is the time when the plateau weight approaches and gets stuck like a broken record for days on leaving you wondering what's going on? Many people question their entire effort upto now and conclude that this is how far they can go as far as losing weight is concerned. When you do reach a plateau in your weight it means that the effort you put in with workout and diet together is now equivalent to your metabolic rate and if more fat has to be burn out it needs a kick start to the current metabolism. To kick start your metabolism at an already higher rate needs some good professional intervention of radical short term dietary changes and workout changes.

Plateau breaker diet - A good plateau breaking diet will not last for more than 48 hours and will give enough protein, simple sugars with high fiber and vitamins, minerals as nutrients to energize the body while starving it of fat, sodium, sucrose to cause a shift change in the body's total caloric intake but more so to push it to burn the fat and excess carbs in the body due to the lack of energy from the total diet. The workout would involve a little more on the cardio and weight training intensity as compared to previous sessions. The idea is to force the body into an overdrive of metabolism and in order to do so the body should get acclimatized to intensified workout with a sudden change of diet which is on the lighter side of the usual low cal diet regime. The body has nowhere to go with a sudden drop in diet energy and increase in the intensity of the workout but to break out of the plateau without starving or alarming measures.

Health Contraindications & Abuse of Plateau Diet - Its a old bad habit of many people who realize how powerful a plateau breaking diet is to get out of the rut of the whole weight stagnation to abuse the diet. This diet is abuse on their own terms and or as prescribed or recommended by a professional dietitian. Abusing the diet more than once a month for covering up for all the bad food days while keeping your weight in check is not only a temporary way to weight loss but also very dangerous to your body internally. The diet is meant to give the body a sudden jolt of metabolic rate and therefore does not extend for more than 48 hours with enough care and counseling done before and after the time. This means the diet is not for all whenever and wherever, it is to be taken according to prescription only. The health contraindications for this diet are plenty beginning with hypoglycemia or low blood sugar, low blood pressure, if taken more often as twice in 90 days. This diet although very stringent gives you enough energy to survive for 2 days but not more and definitely not more frequently.

Down the rabbit hole & back - Getting habitual with abusing the diet will get into a vicious cycle of losing weight and gaining it right back. Besides that the amount of nutrient depletion and water depletion it causes over time. When you stay on this diet for long enough a cardiac problem, thyroid hormone dysfunction and liver dysfunction and don't get started about the skin, hair, eyes and bones.

To get the plateau breaker diet to work for your Weight Loss Program use it only under prescription and not on your discretion for better results and healthier life.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Food & Fitness women can't do without

They can do without their bags, shoes and latest cosmetic range or just girl night out but they certainly can't do without these foods & fitness must have for all season and every reason. By the end of this post you will have a bag full of combat kit to live with in order to stay as healthy and looking like sunshine as you were meant to be. First up we discuss some of the foods women can't do without whether they like it or not. Then we discuss some of the fitness tips and facts women must take seriously if they have any inclination to look good & feel great about themselves.

Must Have Foods for Women - Its a myth that women do not need as much protein as a man infact women would need it more for the constant damage and repair their bodies go through. To maintain hormonal balance, skin repair and rejuvenation, bone strength, lower body muscular strength, uterine tissue repair and rebuild. This makes a good high biological value protein diet imperative for the womankind. Food ingredients that women cannot say a no to are variety of fresh salmon, organic tuna, mackrel, bombay duck, fresh mussels, oysters, soy flour, soy milk, soy bean, tofu, organic eggs. These ingredients not only give sufficient good proteins and amino acids but also ample of minerals like zinc, manganese, selenium, calcium, Vitamin E. Especially soy that in addition to the mentioned nutrients also provides women with phytoestrogens called "isoflavones" that act like estrogen in the female body and help regulate the hormonal imbalance. Walnuts & almonds are another food items women should have on their daily check list as they contain the omega 3 & 6 fats as well as rich in fiber, riboflavin (Vitamin B3), zinc and vitamin E. Turmeric and nutmeg as in the form of powder is the very essential ingredient for a women's skin as well as immunity, turmeric is well known for its medicinal qualities of an antiseptic and preventing nerve degeneration. Nutmeg on the other hand has healing qualities to detox liver and skin. Aloe vera & green tea should be used daily by women, of course during pregnancy contraindications exists. Both are excellent in hormone regulation and detoxification. Oats are one of the best ways a woman can get high soluble fiber, vitamin b, zinc, manganese. What a woman wants from head to toe is glowing flawless skin, considering some of our environments being toxic that is a hard to get, unless you live in the Alps or Himalaya. But what we all can do is to consume a lot of food that combats toxicity in our body and the best ingredients are deeply colored fruits and veggies like berries, avocado, papaya, greens and to dress it well use only olive oil or rice bran oil.

Must Do Fitness for Women - After a list of essential must haves in food lets move over to how essential is fitness to a woman's health & happiness. Fitness routine for at least 25 minutes each day is a total must have on a woman's list as it acts like a shot of happiness and beauty all put together. Exercise like discussed in our previous post is endorphin releaser which stimulates and elevates mood and creates a general sense of well being. Although to be fully active it needs to be triggered everyday to last about 12 - 18 hours. Exercise also allows the body to prioritize nutrient supply in various parts of the body's functioning rather than letting it go to waste. Apart from strengthening your body it also helps regulate hormones, skin tone, bone health. A workout could be anything and not just inside the confines of a gym, you could go exotic dancing, classical dancing, beach sports, functional training, as long as you get stamina, strength and flexibility from it all. Never forget core strength training though and to give an example of the perfect complete body workout is 'SURYANAMASKAR' otherwise known as yoga regime of the entire body. It has 12 different positions and looks simple but is extremely tough while you do it. So get up and get going with your must have list and be the beautiful woman you were always meant to be and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

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